
Variables can enhance the flexibility and scalability of scripts, and can dynamically control the running of scripts.

Script Example

Variables can be set in any parameter of the script (except for keywords such as "method", "next", "if", "check", "condition", and "loop").

step = [{
    "method": "redirect",
    "url": "",
}, {
    "method": "input",
    "xpath": "//*[@id=\"kw\"]",
    "text": "__v-searchKey__",
    "if": {
        "condition": "presence",
        "xpath": "__v-button_xpath__"
}, {
    "method": "clear"

When writing script variables, the identifier "_v - {your variable} __" needs to be used. Otherwise, it will be judged as a normal parameter processing during syntax checking.

Implement your own variable object

You need to inherit the VariableBase object and implement the "get" and "__ contains__" methods.

import crawlipt as cpt
class Variable(cpt.VariableBase):
    def __init__(self, values: dict | str):
        if isinstance(values, str):
            values: dict = json.load(values)
        self.values = values

    def get(self, key: str) -> Any:
        return self.values.get(key)

    def __contains__(self, key: str):
        return key in self.values

The above implementation is already built-in in crawlipt.

Built-in variable object

The variables in the script will be automatically replaced during execution, and you can create a built-in Variable object in crawlipt with initialization parameters in dictionary or JSON format strings. The dictionary needs to correspond your variable names and values one-to-one, and during execution, it will replace the variable names in the script with the variable values you set.

import crawlipt as cpt
v = cpt.Variable({
            "searchKey": "hello",
            "button_xpath": "//*[@id=\"su\"]"
loader = cpt.Script(step, interval=3)
               variable=v) # Passing in variable objects during the execution phase

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